Rising from the country of Sweden comes the one man death metal project Prosthetic. The mind behind the music is none other than Mats Andersson. When considering that all the composition, recording, programming has been done by the one person, this small demo shows how immensely talented he is.
As mentioned, the sound to this music is fast. Fast and incredibly aggressive. To be completely honest, that would have to be the highlight to this demo. You really can feel the guitars, drums, bass and layered vocals attacking you as you listen to it. Prosthetic has the complete attitude of metal down pact.
Now that's the history and the atmosphere. Now we talk about the individual sounds this demo release has to offer (and it's individual songs). The guitars are a bit of a frenzy. This is a large part of what equates to the aggressive atmosphere. They rapidly propel their way through every single song giving absolutely no relief or rest. Each riff for each song is individual in it's own right. And due to this each song does actually have a different mood.
The first song "Duvjakt" is a rapid smattering of notes thrown into your face, making sure that you're not quite sure where this song is going, yet letting you know that when it gets there it's going to be a wall of sound in it's own right. Even the guitar solo has very little structure to it's name. It's not badly done. But neither is it entirely easy to digest.
The second song "Cykeltjuvar" is a lot more structured. Relying more on triplets within it's riffs. This makes it a much more catchy song as well. While I cannot really say much more than that to it, I would say this would be my favourite song from the "DEMOlition" demo.
"Egocentric" was a surprising addition to the demo. This one takes a step back from the brutal death metal feel by being given much more thrash orientated verse vocals. Meanwhile the chorus and bridge has quite a gothenburg melodic death metal feel to it. This makes it by far the most palatable song of the release. A stand alone track in it's own right, which, while having it's own sound, still lets itself fit into the midst of the former two songs.
"Scrambled Legs" picks up where "Egocentric" left off with it's thrash influence. In no way does this song resemble the death metal feel of the earlier tracks. All vocals are done in a thrash style, which syncopates with the guitar style. The track is the black sheep of the whole release. Apart from it's aggressive speed and attitude, it doesn't hold to the same composition style and it certainly doesn't really fit amongst the other songs. One could even say it sounds as though it was composed by a different band/project.
Despite all said above, there are a couple of things that find themselves consistent through this release. For anyone who knows their death metal, they should be able to hear a strong influence of Dimension Zero found throughout all the drumming present in these songs. In exactly the same way they keep up the "to ka to ka to ka" sound that can be found within every single Dimension Zero song. This makes sense, considering the unrelenting guitar riffs that create their own cacophony. It is strongly clear that a wall of sound was the desired effect for these songs. Along with the drumming that finds itself consistent throughout all songs, the vocals all have much the same style too. Aside from "Scrambled Legs" and the minimal amount of thrash vocals within "Egocentric" the majority of the vocals have a beastly like blackened death metal feel to them.
In synopsis, this demo is a mess. A splattering of all kinds of sounds and influences combined and compressed into four tracks of aggressive metal. It's in no way bad. WIthout a doubt this is truly a release worth spent the time getting your hands on, and it certainly shows remarkable promise for a first release of such a talented single composer. However, a bit more structure, a bit more attention and direction would certainly help make future releases a much higher standard.
As mentioned, the sound to this music is fast. Fast and incredibly aggressive. To be completely honest, that would have to be the highlight to this demo. You really can feel the guitars, drums, bass and layered vocals attacking you as you listen to it. Prosthetic has the complete attitude of metal down pact.
Now that's the history and the atmosphere. Now we talk about the individual sounds this demo release has to offer (and it's individual songs). The guitars are a bit of a frenzy. This is a large part of what equates to the aggressive atmosphere. They rapidly propel their way through every single song giving absolutely no relief or rest. Each riff for each song is individual in it's own right. And due to this each song does actually have a different mood.
The first song "Duvjakt" is a rapid smattering of notes thrown into your face, making sure that you're not quite sure where this song is going, yet letting you know that when it gets there it's going to be a wall of sound in it's own right. Even the guitar solo has very little structure to it's name. It's not badly done. But neither is it entirely easy to digest.
The second song "Cykeltjuvar" is a lot more structured. Relying more on triplets within it's riffs. This makes it a much more catchy song as well. While I cannot really say much more than that to it, I would say this would be my favourite song from the "DEMOlition" demo.
"Egocentric" was a surprising addition to the demo. This one takes a step back from the brutal death metal feel by being given much more thrash orientated verse vocals. Meanwhile the chorus and bridge has quite a gothenburg melodic death metal feel to it. This makes it by far the most palatable song of the release. A stand alone track in it's own right, which, while having it's own sound, still lets itself fit into the midst of the former two songs.
"Scrambled Legs" picks up where "Egocentric" left off with it's thrash influence. In no way does this song resemble the death metal feel of the earlier tracks. All vocals are done in a thrash style, which syncopates with the guitar style. The track is the black sheep of the whole release. Apart from it's aggressive speed and attitude, it doesn't hold to the same composition style and it certainly doesn't really fit amongst the other songs. One could even say it sounds as though it was composed by a different band/project.
Despite all said above, there are a couple of things that find themselves consistent through this release. For anyone who knows their death metal, they should be able to hear a strong influence of Dimension Zero found throughout all the drumming present in these songs. In exactly the same way they keep up the "to ka to ka to ka" sound that can be found within every single Dimension Zero song. This makes sense, considering the unrelenting guitar riffs that create their own cacophony. It is strongly clear that a wall of sound was the desired effect for these songs. Along with the drumming that finds itself consistent throughout all songs, the vocals all have much the same style too. Aside from "Scrambled Legs" and the minimal amount of thrash vocals within "Egocentric" the majority of the vocals have a beastly like blackened death metal feel to them.
In synopsis, this demo is a mess. A splattering of all kinds of sounds and influences combined and compressed into four tracks of aggressive metal. It's in no way bad. WIthout a doubt this is truly a release worth spent the time getting your hands on, and it certainly shows remarkable promise for a first release of such a talented single composer. However, a bit more structure, a bit more attention and direction would certainly help make future releases a much higher standard.