Saturday, June 9, 2012

My Darkest Time - Transient

This is probably one of the least detailed reviews I've ever writen. As there really wasn't much essense to the album.

The first track "Consoler" was a nice and melancholic piece, but unfortunately only went for about fifty seconds. After that it quickly went straight into the next song without there really being any syncronisation between the songs. It felt like it was trying to rush me into the doom metal album. Something which should never happen. Not ever. But that's what they did.

Quickly after that we went straight into the second song "Taken Away." This would have to be the only moderately good song at all on the album as far as I was concerned. It actually reminded me a lot of Ankhagram. With heavy keys backing a standard death-doom groove. It continued to feel rushed though. Once half way through the song the guitaring starts to sound quite sloppy and out of time with the rest of the music around it. Then after that we get what is possibly the only melodic and interesting part of the entire release. A melody created by both the guitar and the keyboard. This sort of dawdled on until the song eventually ended.

What happened after that was really a My Dying Bride effort, without the effort. Lots of sloppy guitaring without many interesting riffs or melodies or hooks. Just lots and lots of palm muting. This is the sort of collection of songs you'd find if you went through your musician friend's computer after he got bored one day, sat down and just mucked around on the guitar until he had a whole bunch of tracks layed down that he never really talks about. That's exactly what this album felt like.

It is true that if you bother to sort through the mediocrity you find a couple of well created areas. Fleeting Shadows had an eerie and haunting chorus. But as with far too much of this release it's just surrounded and drowned by sloppy palm muting. The song also had a weird mid-section where it faded to a very quiet sound before returning to it's previous volume. If it was an attempt at atmosphere it was a complete failure as it completely distracted me from whatever doomy goodness this song had to offer. The song was further mutilated by the "detuning" of the song right at the end.

The only real redeeming factor behind this album is probably the female vocals. They're relatively well executed and fit into the background nicely giving an almost elegant, gothic touch to the rather, well, flat and boring landscape provided by the uninspired approach to the creative process within this *cough* artwork.

And that's about all that you can expect from this release.

Since this album is already a free download in digital release, I won't bother uploading it to my mediafire account. And here you go:


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